Why driverless cars are still a distant dream

And there is the crux of the issue, the so-called “autonomous” drive systems at present are nothing but a set of preprogrammed scenarios. Despite all the radars, lidars, sensors, GPS data et al, which allow the car to “see”, it still can’t quite fully comprehend what it’s seeing and extrapolate the appropriate action to take. Is that a dog in the road or did a kid drop a stuffed toy? Is that van turning left across traffic, or has the driver forgotten to cancel the indicator? Does Michael want to deliberately ram that car off the road, or should the brakes be applied? Yesteryear’s fictional KITT would know; today’s factual AI is clueless…

University of Hawaii to compete in autonomous car race for $1.5M prize

An engineering team at the University of Hawaii is competing in a racing competition for autonomous cars at Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Saturday for a prize pool of $1.5 million. The UH AI Racing Tech team is one of 10 competing in the Indy Autonomous Challenge at the legendary venue after its driving software cleared three qualifying rounds of simulations in May. First place this weekend wins $1 million, second place $250,000 and third $50,000…

Washington governor urged to block congestion pricing plan

U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) recently sent a letter to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, urging him to block Oregon’s scheme to toll Southwest Washington commuters for crossing the existing I-5 and I-205 bridges into Oregon…

Let the Uproad Mobile App Pay Your Tolls While You Drive

Uproad is currently in 18 states and covers over 175 tollways. This toll app innovation makes toll transponders unnecessary. Uproad detects when you go through a toll point on a toll road and sends you a notification. Then the app communicates with the appropriate tolling authority to pay your toll fees with the funds on your app account or with your credit card…

Oregon and Washington Officials Consider Interstate 5 Bridge Designs

The three proposed interstate bridge designs include the former CRC design—two five-lane bridges side-by-side with dedicated public transit and pedestrian and bicycle pathways underneath…